Wednesday 5 August 2015

Day 472

1.  I was going to save this till last but I can contain myself no longer....


All fifty seven of them are now complete, four are sold, ten are heading FMG's way to peddle, leaving me forty three to find buyers for - you have been warned! (Although to be fair you might have just been able to see that coming....)

2.  Thank you Mr L for making me leave the house and go the gym this morning - thank you even more for texting to say you had arrived to pick me up just as I was about to start foam rollering.... no one's ever seen me look even remotely happy when I'm there let alone nearing ecstatic.

3.  A quick stand on the scales this morning and my mantra may have to be "three quarters of an hour - three quarters of a stone!"

4.  My right ankle isn't great but I can't tell if it's running related or repetitive strain from operating the foot peddle on my sewing machine, but seeing as we've just eliminated one of the variables possibly time will tell...

5.  I have to admit to feeling a little bit lost and bereft of focus (and it's only been half an hour) but plenty to do tomorrow picking up the threads of what's left of the rest of my life. (Damn I've just remembered the Etsy photographs!)

London - 263
Glasgow - 60
Total Distance covered 777.7 miles

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