Friday 7 August 2015

Day 474

1.  Yesterday for the first time in a year, a month and a day my tinnitus stopped - twice - albeit only for a split second each time but nevertheless it lead me to hope that it might just happen again. It hasn't - yet!

2.  Had planned on going to the gym this morning - but a rare moment of spontaneity put paid to that plan....

3.  Both boys off doing their own thing, Al and I took the opportunity of not having to be anywhere to go somewhere!  Lovely walk with the dog alongside a river, with a nice cafe to stop at along the way.

4.  Must have walked for between two and two and half hours with around half an hour cake stop.  Came home ate some more and promptly fell asleep for an hour and half...

5.  Forget running training - I'm going to have to put some serious practice in just to be able to stay awake on my feet for long enough to finish London!

London - 261
Glasgow - 58
Total Distance covered 783.2 miles

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