Monday 31 August 2015

Day 498

1.  I fought really hard whilst on holiday not to let my increasing waistline get to me.  I think I did a relatively good job of swallowing any concerns I had along with another slice of cake!

2.  I also tried hard not to think about Etsy and bag sales - but it was hard when Etsy Favouriter and I went into a gift shop and saw hiding beneath showcase after showcase of pottery dogs some very small and uninspiring lavender bags being sold for half of what it would cost to buy a really useful and large handmade shopping bag - the proceeds from which are going to charity!

3.  However now that I am home it is time for action.  If I'm not happy with my weight then I have to find the motivation to actually do something about it.  If I want to shift those bags I need to get out there and sell...

4.  So.... I have signed up for a 100 day goal challenge being run by Business Bakery.  The premise is simple I have to set myself a goal and do something towards achieving it every day for the next one hundred days.  All bags sold by Christmas - I'm in!

5.  At first glance this is a procrastinator's dream - there are all manner of lists to keep and to-do lists to write and a daily journal to waste a little more time over! Best of all however there is a heart made up of 100 spirals to colour in once you complete an action so you can map your progress! I think I might be missing the point a little when I say that I've spent longer trying to decided on what colour scheme to choose for this than writing the list of 100 actions I could take to try to reach my goal!

London - 237
Glasgow - 34
Total Distance covered     825 miles

Sunday 30 August 2015

Day 497

1.  FMG and I have decided to volunteer at the Barnardo's cheer station at the Great North Run in a fortnight... thinking being that we will be there to cheer on fellow parkrunner, hopefully catch a glimpse of Mo Farah as he flies by and get a chance to soak up some of the atmosphere from the other side of the track in an attempt to give us extra motivation over the winter months and difficult miles in London!

2.  I am so excited at the prospect of all of the fun with none of the running, I'm beginning to wonder why I didn't just decide to go and watch the London Marathon!

3.  Holiday almost over it's almost time to stop hiding from all the jobs that need doing.

4.  Alternating between feeling extremely motivated and utterly exhausted I can see me settling for a state of inaction somewhere between the two.

5.  That option is however not going to bring in those much needed sales, nor shed the much needed (now) stone! (which is equivalent to a little over 6kg but I think I'd rather view it in terms of one of something as opposed to six!)

London - 238
Glasgow - 35
Total Distance covered     825 miles

Saturday 29 August 2015

Day 496 - Parkrun 87

1. Lovely four mile run-walk-run to parkrun with FMG. So much to catch up on I don't remember much about the actual running!

2. H CAME TO PARKRUN! Looked for a long time like he was going to beat me but, in true hare and tortoise form, slow and steady won the race!  Really proud of him for joining us, and have my fingers crossed that one day soon C will come back, even if I'll be last and am clinging on to my age graded fittest in the family title with as little grip as he has over his place in the fastest 500 - currently at number 497 - although I should point out he's the only one of us left on the list!

3.  Emotional quarter of an hour watching Mo Farah win Gold in the 5000m in Beijing.  After taking the proverbial over the difference between his time and mine, C took time to reconsider his opinion and thinks it's actually quite an achievement that my time over the same distance is within twice that of the world champion! He then spoilt it by saying especially as I'm 45.

4.  Fun evening at the birthday party of parkrunfastfinisher! Thank you.

5.  A great day to finish off our lovely holiday - don't want the bubble to burst - bringing us to

parkrun 87 - 1987

London - 239
Glasgow - 36
Distance covered              7.1 miles
Total Distance covered     825 miles

Friday 28 August 2015

Day 495

Last walk on the beach :( 

Had a great holiday and really didn't want to leave.  But had a fun journey home in the company of Etsy Favouriter discussing the possibility of genetically modified eyelashes (I'd like ones like my niece please!) and there were (definitely not genetically modified) home grown treasures awaiting us when we arrived home! Worth every penny of the cost of the greenhouse and replacement glass! :)

London - 240
Glasgow - 37
Total Distance covered     817.9 miles

Thursday 27 August 2015

Day 494

Was supposed to run and didn't. H and CM on the other hand did.... now I have not running guilt!
This is bad enough coming from Al but I honestly never thought it'd be H who had the running high ground over me!

London - 241
Glasgow - 38
Total Distance covered     817.9 miles

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Day 493

Rainy morning brought some much needed sofa time.

Biggest news of the day - H went for his first run! 2.5 miles across the sand isn't a bad place to start... but the hill at parkrun is going to come as a bit of a shock! 

London - 242
Glasgow - 39
Total Distance covered     817.9 miles

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Day 492

I ran today!! Didn't go far (well done on 11 miles FMG!) but I did make the effort to go! Very very windy but finally a chance for my very own Chariots of Fire moment albeit on the wrong beach and thinking about it I didn't run through the sea - but I did have the sound track in my head!

And for those who don't know what I'm talking about, or would like a wee reminder  click here!

London - 243
Glasgow - 40
Total Distance covered     817.9 miles

Monday 24 August 2015

Day 491

Think that just about says it all !

London - 244
Glasgow - 41
Total Distance covered     817.9 miles

Sunday 23 August 2015

Day 490

Parkrun over I'm not entirely sure what I want to do about my blog whilst on holiday. I don't know that I want to think about it and I certainly don't want to spend any time looking at Etsy stats to see if there is anything there to talk about. I'm having a really lovely time with Al, C, H, Etsy Favouriter, and H's friend CM but in my head writing about it turns this into a diary and although it may be a very fine line I don't want to go there. But always unable to walk away completely I've decided to go with the old saying that a picture says a thousand words instead.

Pilgrims Way - Walking across the bottom of the sea!

London - 245
Glasgow - 42
Total Distance covered     817.9 miles

Saturday 22 August 2015

Day 489 - Parkrun 86

1.  The weather forecast lied! Woke up to a beautiful morning in one of my favourite parts of the world. 

2. Getting up early and driving 35 miles to the nearest parkrun might not be everybody's ideal start to their holiday nor how they'd choose to spend their birthday morning - luckily for me Mr L did both.

3. Really odd running a two lap course - felt so far first time round! Very congested at times and a tiny taste (albeit on a very different scale) of what it will be like in London - still not sure how I'm going to cope with how busy it's going to be!

4. Kept pace with the birthday boy and his dog most of the way round but got left behind when they upped the pace. For once I didn't mind - firstly because I was just so pleased to be running without any of Thursday's pain and secondly because it meant I was nowhere in sight when the photographer snapped this! (Mine was significantly less flattering).

5. Post parkrun walk on the beach instead of coffee (just not the same without our friends) it was 'home' for breakfast, lunch, another walk on the beach, a trip to the pub and back for tea. A lovely day with my fabulous (slightly extended) family. Happy Birthday Mr L - I really wanted to choose 'You can call me Al' as my song for parkrun 86 but you'll hate it, so instead I've picked something I know you'll sing along to and makes me think of you (but NOT because of what the lead singer's wearing before anyone wonders!).

London - 246
Glasgow - 43
Distance covered                3.1 miles
Total Distance covered     817.9 miles

Friday 21 August 2015

Day 488

1. I have never seen so much stuff piled up for packing. We have brought EVERYTHING! SC and KS your tales of one plastic bag each in a camper van were the exact antithesis of what we attempted today but... 

2. We made it!! 

3. Lovely walk on the beach when we arrived although navigating the sand dunes to get there was a little bit too much like a workout for these poorly pins! 

4. Sat in the conservatory watching the light fade from the sky. Al sat reading his book with the dog stretched out between us! Boys and Etsy Favouriter happily busy elsewhere. Pretty close to perfect - just about to wish it was where we lived when Mr L started talking about how many plants he could grow in here if we did! Oh how quickly my illusion changed when I pictured the number of seedlings he'd have propagating on the window sills!

5. Possibility of a bit of parkrun tourism tomorrow - that may change when we awake to the sound of rain on the Velux window! 

London - 247
Glasgow - 44
Total Distance covered     814.8 miles

Thursday 20 August 2015

Day 487

1. Holiday prep or not this girl has training to do - all eleven miles of it!

2.  Holy schmoly it was a long way. Tried to tag the increase on to the end of my ten mile route - big mistake! My legs didn't want to run anywhere other than home by then. 

3. Actually my legs didn't want to run anywhere at all after about nine miles when my IT Bands started complaining loudly - even found myself side stepping at one point to mix things up a bit - see I do listen Biomechanics Man! 

4. Just clearly not to Jeff Galloway when he says run two minutes per mile slower on your long runs. I am clearly not to be left to my own devices FMG and fellow parkrunner! 

5. H doesn't read this - but it would as remiss of me not to mention that he got his first GCSE this morning as it was when I didn't mention going to see him on stage in Huddersfield last Saturday. Proud of you son.

London - 248
Glasgow - 45
Distance covered                  11 miles
Total Distance covered     814.8 miles

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Day 486

1. I have friends who go for their nails doing and hair cutting before they go on holiday.

2. I have friends who pack 'outfits' and work out what is going to go with what. 

3. Why then did I spend the majority of today in the kitchen cooking food to take with us and praying for a dry day tomorrow so that we've got enough clean clothes to take irrespective of whether they 'go' with anything else?! 

4. Clearly I am not going on the right type of holidays!

5. Although actually I am because once the food is cooked and we're there it won't matter what I'm wearing as all I'm planning on doing is walking the dog on the beach and interacting with the outside world as little as possible! Can't wait!

London - 249
Glasgow - 46
Total Distance covered     803.8 miles

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Day 485 Marathon minus 250!!

1.  How can I feel so guilty about not running yesterday and so far from wanting to run today?

2.  Didn't help myself before heading out by finally getting round to searching  'No Meat Athlete' after seeing it on a running vest in Liverpool and looking at the recipe suggestions.  I am so unhealthy! The meat free bit isn't a problem but I'm currently about as far removed from smoothies and supercharged salads as you can get whilst still being vegetarian.

3.  So already feeling sluggish Dougal and I set out for a run - not very far in, we ran either side of a lamp post and ripped my running belt apart (it must have already been weakened as I can't believe we were running fast enough to do it all in one go!).  Although very tempted to return home I found a way to secure it back round my middle and off we went again, but we never really got into our stride, it was all a bit disjointed and all the while I was thinking about how far I'm planning to run on Thursday and how I hope it flows better than this!

4.  Another bag sold and four more guesses on name the bear! Whooop Whooop!!

5.  If I'm hoping that my running comes together on Thursday then it is nothing to what I'm hoping for in two hundred and fifty days time!  Which I think might mean it's time to change the name of my blog to 'Parkrun to Marathon a journey of 735 days!' I'll have to stick with MG750 for me as I can only change the name of my Etsy shop once and so better save that opportunity just on the off chance that I can see any future in continuing it after the marathon is but a memory. Although at this moment in time the marathon being behind me seems as inconceivable as me continuing with Etsy!

London - 250
Glasgow - 47
Distance covered                   3 miles
Total Distance covered     803.8 miles

Monday 17 August 2015

Day 484

1.  Day off over - back to 'work' today. No sign of any exercise but bags sold over Twitter are in the post!

2.  The money from the weekend has been paid into the bank and a cheque sent off to Barnardo's.

3.  The bags have been tidied back into their various piles - ones for Etsy, ones for me to sell, ones heading FMG's way and they have almost made it upstairs to their hiding place so that Operation Holiday can begin in earnest tomorrow...

4.  Talking of operations - Best wishes for a speedy recovery to schoolfriendofMG750 who has just undergone knee surgery! Hope you'll be back on your feet in no time and if not quite up for joining us at the Glasgow half, then definitely fit and well enough to lunch with us the day before!

5.  I can't quite believe how guilty I feel over missing yesterday's training run.  It was only four miles and yet I've been beating myself up over it all day!

London - 251
Glasgow - 48
Total Distance covered     800.8 miles

Sunday 16 August 2015

Day 483

1.  I have allowed myself to have a day off today - I was supposed to be running four miles but I am just too tired.

2.  I have however tried to catch up on the washing and ironing after it becoming apparent that the number of items being pulled out of the ironing pile was increasing.  Thinking about it I should have left them there a bit longer and there would have been even less to do.

3.  After giving my sis a debrief on yesterday my niece has told me that I need to get myself an Instagram account to promote my bags - I have no idea what this is.

4.  However with only five days until we go on holiday I don't think it's the best time for me to learn! I shall save this as my next obsession for when the schools have returned!

5.  Even when I want a day where I forget I am reminded of what lies ahead - seven weeks till Glasgow and both FMG and sisterofMG750 out pounding the streets in preparation! Oh the guilt of not going!

London - 252
Glasgow - 49
Total Distance covered     800.8 miles

Saturday 15 August 2015

Day 482 - Bark in the Park!

1.  A tweet this morning about fundraising instead of running resulted in the sale of two bags to someone I don't know - think the photo below of me and Etsy Favouriter might just convey our excitement at the news!  Thank you so much RS.

2.  Our pitch was unfortunately next to some very professional "Everyone's a Winner on this stall!" charity fundraisers who were drawing huge crowds to their second hand teddy and trashy tombola tables - there's no accounting for taste!

3.  Our attempts to get people to buy got more desperate as the afternoon wore on and I was heard to tell one lady who said she'd come back later that if I saw her pass without stopping I'd chase after her and to be warned that I can run fast! Obviously frightened by the prospect she returned and purchased!

4.  It was a very long but fun day in the company of C and Etsy F, and in the end we sold six bags which equates to sixty visitors to next door's tombola! It wasn't the busiest of events and if we had thirty people stop and look that makes our views to sales conversion rate an impressive 20% compared with 1.89% all time on Etsy.  Which I think means the day was a success! And I quite literally need to find another market!

5.  Crocheted flowers, egg box minions, the good old craft bags and an earth shattering four guesses at Name the Bear, brought our total raised for the day to £103.44.  Whooo! Hooooo! But I still think the running will be easier! Or at least I hope it is!

London - 253
Glasgow - 50
Total Distance covered     800.8 miles

Friday 14 August 2015

Day 481

1.  I couldn't help myself - Barnardo's Bear needed a tie...

2.  After which I reluctantly put my sewing machine away!

3.  I have a new mantra - ONE DAY ALL THAT WILL BE LEFT TO DO IS RUN!

4.  But not today!!

5.  Finally somewhere around midnight all was packed and ready to go and fingers were crossed for sunshine and shoppers!

London - 254
Glasgow - 51
Total Distance covered     800.8 miles

Thursday 13 August 2015

Day 480

1.  A Level results day! (Part One)  A morning filled with anticipation and the added excitement of unexpectedly getting to drive C to school and wait for him to pick them up! Time to quickly crochet another flower and as the nervous energy started to rise the longer he was in coming back time to pull it out again as I kept making mistakes!

2.  Asked not to broadcast over social media - suffice to say I'm a proud mum!

3.  Slowly starting to gather my bits for Saturday, but as the contents of the under stairs cupboard are still spilling out into our living space (although there is less than there once was) it's hard to tell what I've done and what's still to do!

4.  I think I have a very busy day ahead of me tomorrow - especially as I seem to have been unable to acknowledge that the sewing part of it is over and put my sewing machine away! But what can I possibly waste my time making now?! (All may yet be revealed!).

5.  Very pleased to report that I forced myself to go out for a run late afternoon.  I was all ready to give myself the day off but I'm glad that I didn't.  Had forgotten until I was on my way home that this run would see me break the 800 training miles mark! Not altogether surprisingly - it's been a long 300 miles since Brighton!

London - 255
Glasgow - 52
Distance covered                3.8 miles
Total Distance covered     800.8 miles

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Day 479

1.  Public Liability Insurance - check

2.  Clothes Rail - check

3.  Gazebo - check (but I'm still not convinced going to make it a bit more like a shop than a stall!)

4.  Bunting - check (or it will be when I've finished it! But it's soooo much fun to make I may have to rethink my views on the stuff!)

5.  All in all a productive day and still time to lie on our backs this evening (H under his duvet, me in a sleeping bag, Etsy Favouriter under a blanket, Al and C manning it out) as we gazed up at the sky and waited for the International Space Station to pass - which it did, and for the meteor shower to arrive - which it did not!  Apparently we had a better chance of seeing it at 3am but we called it a day long before then!

London - 256
Glasgow - 53
Total Distance covered     797 miles

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Day 478

1.  Oh dear it seems posting a triple bill on Sunday was a step too far this weekend - lots of you read Friday and Saturday's but had clearly reached saturation point by the time it got to reading the third. Thanks to those who stuck it out through all three!  Just realised that I am a day late in posting this so I hope a Wednesday double bill doesn't have the same effect!

2.  Even worse - it has turned into a Thursday night triple after I failed to post yesterday! Oh well only time will tell!

3.  Dog show draws ever nearer and I am trying hard not to panic despite the fact that I don't have public liability cover, the clothes rail to display my bags on has yet to arrive, I've still to work out what I'm doing with the gazebo and I haven't even begun to make the bunting yet! BUNTING?! Never did I think my life would come to this!

4.  Meanwhile we have decided that now would be a good time to empty our under stairs cupboard! Like the cupboard version of Mary Poppins' Bag the stuff just kept coming! Who knew we had ever bought so much paint, let alone kept every last tin regardless of how much was actually left?! Our dining room now contains the contents as we begin the process of deciding what's being allowed back in!

5.  Good run this morning.  The speed is starting to come back to my legs and I was pleased to get my average pace per mile below nine minutes with walk breaks!  Pushing myself on the home straight I did have a moments reflection over the fact that I'm supposed to be putting speed to one side in Glasgow.... Damn! Am I going to have to admit that sisterofMG750 (and the rest of my family) was right all along and I can't do it?!

London - 257
Glasgow - 54
Distance covered              3.8 miles
Total Distance covered     797 miles

Monday 10 August 2015

Day 477

1.  Having already questioned the Met Office's ability to predict the weather I'm not sure why I'm allowing their prediction of rain on Saturday to affect my mood so much - especially when they predicted sunny intervals today and we had the most torrential of downpours!

2.  Perhaps the chance of rain is not the only thing dampening my parade.  I am so demoralised that all efforts on Etsy have yet to yield any success that I'm struggling to believe Saturday will be any different.

3.  So I have decided to concentrate my efforts on getting people to feel sorry enough for me to put a donation in my collection tin, and have decided that a crocheted flower pin to say thank you is the way to go...

4.  A trip to the local wool shop saw me purchasing some Barnardo's lime green wool, and for reasons I can only guess at some fluorescent pink stuff! It's almost like I want to jeopardise my chances of success.  Alternatively perhaps subconsciously I employed some reverse psychology to my purchase decision - I really like the bags I've made and I can't get anyone to bite the bullet and buy - perhaps if I make something I really don't like I'll be inundated with interest!

5.  I'm hoping that they are bright enough to lure some young girls over with their poor long suffering grandparents.... little do they know that it's a trap to get them hoodwinked into also buying a bag of crafting bits and bobs the likes of which have not been seen since Westival! I will rid myself of those toilet rolls, painted egg boxes, pipe cleaners and pompoms somehow!

London - 258
Glasgow - 55
Total Distance covered 793.2 miles

Sunday 9 August 2015

Day 476

1.  Woke up this morning and for a few minutes I half hoped that I would get a text from fellow parkrunner saying that she wasn't up for running this morning - then the penny dropped that I'd still have to go!

2.  Beautiful morning for our ten miler - so much so I even took a photo!

3.  Text this morning from sisterofMG750 wondering how on earth she's going to get half marathon fit in six weeks, when she realised it was eight weeks - problem solved!

4.  Had a lovely weekend with Al, half way through the summer holidays and just enjoying being in each others company.  The fact that I'm writing this whilst he's cooking tea and has just brought me little taste just made me love him all the more!

5.  Post run euphoric, loved up, and both boys home... it's been a good day.

London - 259
Glasgow - 56
Distance covered             10 miles
Total Distance covered 793.2 miles

Saturday 8 August 2015

Day 475

1.  Saving my legs for a ten miler with fellow parkrunner tomorrow - an ideal opportunity to volunteer at parkrun instead.

2.  I love volunteering! It is so much easier than running - especially in the sunshine this morning.  But it appears that I have been conditioned into feeling a surge of excitement when I get a text from parkrun on a Saturday morning whether I have run or not! Text arrived whilst sitting in the cafe and for a moment I got all excited about seeing what my time was - before it dawned on me that I hadn't actually run and it was 'thanks for volunteering' one instead!

3. Lovely to see sisterofFMG in her trainers and running this morning after a long injury break. Made me wish you were there too sis. I would even have let you hand out tokens with me rather than risk having you swear at me on your way past up the hill!

4.  At last I have stopped sewing or fretting about Etsy long enough to do something else - unfortunately it was to wade through the finances which are (surprisingly enough) never healthier for being left to their own devices for a while!

5.  Ever so slightly excited that C is coming back from his holidays tomorrow, and by then H might even have got home after going out yesterday morning!

London - 260
Glasgow - 57
Total Distance covered 783.2 miles

Friday 7 August 2015

Day 474

1.  Yesterday for the first time in a year, a month and a day my tinnitus stopped - twice - albeit only for a split second each time but nevertheless it lead me to hope that it might just happen again. It hasn't - yet!

2.  Had planned on going to the gym this morning - but a rare moment of spontaneity put paid to that plan....

3.  Both boys off doing their own thing, Al and I took the opportunity of not having to be anywhere to go somewhere!  Lovely walk with the dog alongside a river, with a nice cafe to stop at along the way.

4.  Must have walked for between two and two and half hours with around half an hour cake stop.  Came home ate some more and promptly fell asleep for an hour and half...

5.  Forget running training - I'm going to have to put some serious practice in just to be able to stay awake on my feet for long enough to finish London!

London - 261
Glasgow - 58
Total Distance covered 783.2 miles

Thursday 6 August 2015

Day 473

1.  Had a text from C (and Etsy Favouriter) last night, they'd been catching up on my blog and don't think I should go work at Lidl.  Not because I am worth more or am far too talented, but because apparently it's horrible and you don't get toilet breaks so I wouldn't survive! Charming! But it's nice that my son was concerned for my welfare.

2.  Finally got to run with FMG this morning as I recruited the fourth member to the Pavlovian running regime experiment.  Not sure she's a convert, but early days!

3.  Had the pleasure of running past H at the bus stop en route.  Nothing like a kiss from your son and a wave from the back of the bus several minutes later to put a spring in your step!

4.  Summoning up all his patience Al stepped back into the role of Etsy photographer this afternoon, and at first glance I think we might have nailed it! Haven't had time to list any but all internal shots are done too and I could be ready to roll!  Sewing finished but still no jobs done!

5.  Dog show is now so close the weather for the day is showing on the BBC Weather App! Eeek!! Was thrilled to see that it is to be dry and 19 Degrees, when I realised that I was looking at the weather for where I live and not where the park is - disappointingly it's raining there but I'm not sure they can predict that accurately over a distance of six miles ten days in advance... best keep doing the sun dance to be on the safe side!

London - 262
Glasgow - 59
Distance covered              5.5 miles
Total Distance covered 783.2 miles

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Day 472

1.  I was going to save this till last but I can contain myself no longer....


All fifty seven of them are now complete, four are sold, ten are heading FMG's way to peddle, leaving me forty three to find buyers for - you have been warned! (Although to be fair you might have just been able to see that coming....)

2.  Thank you Mr L for making me leave the house and go the gym this morning - thank you even more for texting to say you had arrived to pick me up just as I was about to start foam rollering.... no one's ever seen me look even remotely happy when I'm there let alone nearing ecstatic.

3.  A quick stand on the scales this morning and my mantra may have to be "three quarters of an hour - three quarters of a stone!"

4.  My right ankle isn't great but I can't tell if it's running related or repetitive strain from operating the foot peddle on my sewing machine, but seeing as we've just eliminated one of the variables possibly time will tell...

5.  I have to admit to feeling a little bit lost and bereft of focus (and it's only been half an hour) but plenty to do tomorrow picking up the threads of what's left of the rest of my life. (Damn I've just remembered the Etsy photographs!)

London - 263
Glasgow - 60
Total Distance covered 777.7 miles

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Day 471

1.  Woke up this morning and my calf muscles were so tight my legs felt like they were about two inches shorter!

2.  Only one thing for it - more running!

3.  Not entirely in the mood but have a new mantra - "half an hour - half a stone" although admittedly it might take a bit longer! But even when I'm not in the mood it is only half an hour, and loosing half a stone before Glasgow isn't going to happen by itself (and for whilst I'm not sure I can find the motivation to diet, I'm hoping that the incentive of not having to carry it around for thirteen miles might spur me into trying!).

4.  Two bags finished - remaining six all half completed - no jobs done! I did mean to do the ironing just never quite found the time! Six bags, approximately forty minutes to finish one means I should finish sewing in less than a marathon! (Actually I could probably take significantly longer than forty minutes for each and still finish way ahead of how long it will take me to run London - but it's not about the time, it's not about the time!).

5.  SisterofMG750 has signed up to join us in Glasgow! In FMG's words "Welcome to the team fellow endurance athlete!" wouldn't have been the same without you sis xx

London - 267
Glasgow - 61
Distance covered             3.5 miles
Total Distance covered 777.7 miles

Monday 3 August 2015

Day 470

1.  OK you ready for this.... 6 bags made AND a trip to the gym! What is the meaning behind such productivity?!

2.  Mainly that Al is around to do all the other jobs!

3.  Legs feel OK, although admittedly I didn't put them through a full workout this morning.

4.  Desperate to crack on and finish sewing - I am sooooo close - but in fairness there are more jobs than Al can get to and it's going to be a real challenge to get me to do any of them tomorrow when all I want to do is sew and sew and sew! I know I should prioritise and tell myself that I can be finished by Friday if I make two a day (you got it - only 8 to go!) and get on top of all my other jobs but it's just not how my brain works.

5.  One of the best and most wonderful things about being parkrun addicts is that Al and I frequently find ourselves in the company of other addicts we are fortunate enough to call friends, sharing the highs and lows of our weekly runs and snippets of other news over a post run coffee.  Unfortunately sometimes the lows are significantly more serious than a missed PB.  I have no idea if you'll be looking for a distraction and reading this any time soon SC but I know I speak for all of your parkrun 'family' when I say that we're thinking of you and sending every prayer and positive thought your way for tomorrow.

London - 268
Glasgow - 62
Total Distance covered 774.2 miles

Sunday 2 August 2015

Day 469

1.  In need of a little motivation fellow parkrunner and I set out for an 8 mile run this morning.  I'm a little confused as to why, as a regular reader, she thought I was the right person for the job, but chuffed to be asked I donned my trainers and accompanied her on her inaugural run-walk-run!

2.  Took it nice and steady and finished nice and strong! Proof will be in our mid week recovery but I am daring to believe that my ITB issues might be behind me, and that I might have a convert!

3.  That said as the day progressed my legs have started to seize up a bit and I think I might have to reacquaint myself with my foam roller.  That or a hot bath - but I'm not sure I can face cleaning it first!

4.  A little hung over Al declined the opportunity to be Etsy photographer again this afternoon and H was even less keen, so I immersed myself back in my sewing.  I think my wee sewing machine has had about as much as I have and really didn't want to work today, but I persevered, swore a lot, and got another bag made!

5.  Managed to relax enough to have a snooze in the sun on a blanket with Al and Dougal - almost felt like the summer!

London - 269
Glasgow - 63
Distance covered           8.1 miles
Total Distance covered 774.2 miles

Saturday 1 August 2015

Day 468 - Parkrun 85

1.  Gatecrashed the Dewsbury Road Runners parkrun tour this morning and ran at Halifax parkrun instead.  Disappointingly the course was very similar to ours - three and a half laps and huge hill, but with the addition of a 180 degree bend which was hard work... BUT Yorkshire Day celebrations meant lots and lots and lots of cake!

2.  Breathing was a little laboured after my week off and my cold, but legs starting to feel stronger, I enjoyed my run and didn't really mind about being slower than the last couple of weeks!

3.  I hope the following link works... 

(and for a parkwalker a few seconds behind them who starts to run when she realises that she's being filmed!)

4.  I have not been offered a stall at the Esty Made Local Christmas Market.  I wasn't entirely convinced that this was the way forward as I know I would end up over making and be left with it at the end of the day, but I really am starting to feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall with any attempt to fund raise outside my immediate circle of friends.  I just can't seem to get anywhere - which brings me here..

5.  Thankfully we went out to friends for dinner this evening and the subject of Etsy and fundraising didn't even come up! A night off from worrying about it and repeated checking my viewing stats - especially as they had no phone signal at their house!

London - 270
Glasgow - 64
Distance covered           3.1 miles
Total Distance covered 766.1 miles